January 30, 2009: Originally we going to talk about the rise of third-party Conservatism here in New Hampshire and across the United States. Should Conservatives align themselves with other Conservative political parties? An what would that mean for the GOP (or for that matter Blue Dog Democrats)? Guest: Executive Director Jason Hale, the American Conservative Party in NH.
Due to matters beyond Jason’s control, we had to postpone his visit. We will announce a reschedule in the near future.
The January 30 show did continue, where we focused on three recent events:
1. T The Stimulus package. During this segment we pointed out the “pork” contained in the package, and the bi-partisan support against the bill. During this segment we played clips from Republican Congressmen Pence and King, who spoke in opposition of the bill. Note: Both NH Congressmen, Hodes and Porter, voted for the bill.
2. L Lobbyist and Obama. President Obama pledged to have the most ethical administration in history. While campaigning for President he criticized the use of lobbyist in past administrations, and pledged change. During his first week in office President Obama signed an executive order outlining strict rules pertaining to the hiring of lobbyist. Less than 48 hours later, he proceeded to break his own rule. During this segment we played a speech made by then Presidential candidate Obama (June 2008) as he chastised Senator McCain for his relationship with lobbyist. We also played President Obama’s press conference announcing his lobbyist policies.
3 T. The IRS and Tax Problems. We talked about the double standard regarding the failure to pay taxes. We pointed out how Rep. Rangel and Treasury Secretary Geithner have been treated different than you or I would have been had we failed to pay our taxes.
R The show concluded with our very first "We the People" segment. Thanks to Ann-Marie Banfield, from Cornerstone Policy Institute (a link to the audio is available on the right-hand side of this page).
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