"Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: 'We the people.' 'We the people' tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us. 'We the people' are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which 'We the people' tell the government what it is allowed to do. 'We the people' are free."

Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 9, 2009 Show: Coalition for a Fair Tax Assessment

What would you do if your property tax assessment went up by 105%? Worse yet, imagine if you never received any advance warning of the increase. Envision opening your property tax bill to find you could no longer afford to live in your home. That is exactly what is happening to the citizens in Hampton, NH, as well as across this nation.

Join me Friday, January 9, 2009, from 9am to 10am, for Right Here, Right Now, as we talk with representatives from the Coalition for a Fair Assessment regarding their efforts to try to understand how the Town of Hampton came to this unprecedented increase; an increase that will see many people leaving homes they have owned for decades.

Right Here, Right Now, is heard exclusively on Portsmouth Community Radio, WCSA -106.1 FM, as well as streaming on the web (WSCA: Listen Live).


I would like to thank John and Linda Gebhart for their appearance. I heard from people in Barrington, NH and Porstmouth,NH concerned about the assessment process in their towns as well.

Feel free to visit the Coalition for a Fair Assessment web page for more information and up to date details, @ hamptontaxpayers.com

You can listen to the podcast of the January 9, show by clicking on the following link:

RHRN: Coalition for a Fair Assessment

Show Audio - Right Here, Right Now: January 9, 2009

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