Ronald Reagan
Sunday, July 5, 2009
RHRN Announcement: New Host Takes Over
I have moved to a new show on News-Talk 96-7 (FM, the WAVE. The new show, The Granite State Patriots Show, is heard every Sunday, from 11:00AM - 12:00PM. I host the show with fellow patriot Jack Kimball. You can keep in touch with me by:
Twitter: JeffChidester
Coming soon: Jeff Chidester's new webpage
Please continue listen to Right Here, Right Now every Weds. at 6:00PM, and join me every Sunday at 11:00AM for the Granite State Patriots Show.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10, 2009: Mayor Guinta and Dr. Ted Bromund
During the second half of the show (6:30PM – 7:00PM) we will have a one on one conversation with Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta, Candidate for the NH 1st Congressional District.
You can hear Right Here, Right Now on Wednesdays at 6:00pm on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM on your radio dial and streaming worldwide. The show is also available for download within 24 hours after broadcast.
Feel free to e-mail your question before and during the show at
Note: Want to be a guest? Provide a "We the People" audio segment? Just have something to say? E-mail us at
Right Here, Right Now Radio, Every Wednesday, 6:00PM to 7:00PM, WSCA Radio, 106.1-FM, online at
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
June 3, 2009: ACORN and Healthcare
During the second half of the show we will be talking with Neurosurgeon and healthcare advocate David Mckalip as we discuss the looming debate regarding the governmental takeover of our healthcare system. What will the opinions look like? Are politicians a thousand mile away from you and your doctor in the best position to dictate healthcare plans? Has socialized healthcare really been a success in Canada, England or anywhere? Is rationed healthcare looming under the proposed plans?
Join Jeff Chidester, John Anthony Simmons, and Darryl Mundo as we tackle these and other topics on Right Here, Right Now.
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 27, 2009: Star Parker
Prior to her involvement in social activism, Star Parker was a single welfare mother in Los Angeles, California. After receiving Christ, Star returned to college, received a BS degree in marketing and launched an urban Christian magazine.
The 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed her business, yet served as a springboard for her focus on faith and market-based alternatives to empower the lives of the poor.Read more about her at
Any conversation with Star Parker is exciting and entertaining. This is “must listen” radio. Tune in to hear her speak on the many issues on the front lines of our culture war.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20, 2009: Parental Rights
What is H.J. Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment, and why does it have 86 co-sponsors in Congress?How is it that a treaty drafted by the United Nations could affect how I raise my child?If you don’t know the answers to these questions then you really need to tune in to this show.
Other parental sovereignty issues will be discussed as time permits.If you want to hear from someone who has been in the trenches for decades, Mike Farris is your man.
Coming Soon:
05/22/2009 – Friday – 9:00AM: A Special Memorial Day Radio Show
5/27/2009: Star Parker, Founder/President of the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 13, 2009: Grading The Obama Administration
Join Right Here, Right Now as we invite Jennifer Horn (former-2nd Congressional candidate, columnist, and current radio host), Jim Forsythe –PhD –Forsythe Consulting, and Managing News Editor – Portsmouth Herald Rick Fabizio into the studio as we grade the Obama Administration first four months.
Coming Soon:
05/20/2009: Mike Farris, President of
5/27/2009: Star Parker, Founder/President of the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May 6, 2009: Gay Marriage
Passing of the Gay Marriage legislation. NH House Representative David Bates (R-Windham).
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22, 2009: US Congressman McCotter
Join host Jeff Chidester, co-host Darryl Mundo, and the newest member of the Right Here, Right Now team, John Anthony Simmons, on April 22, 2009, as we talk with US Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, Michigan, Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.
Right Here, Right Now can be heard on Wednesdays evenings, at 6:00pm, on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM on your radio dial and streaming worldwide. The show is also available for download after broadcast.
Next show (04/29/09): Pledge Drive - A Bunch Of Conservatives Begging For Money
Note: Want to be a guest, provide a "We the People" audio segment, or just have something to say? E-mail us at
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15, 2009: Best of RHRN
We will air a special "Best of..." broadcast of Right Here, Right Now.
What a great day April 15, 2009 turned out to be. Estimates put the combined national attendance in excess of 600,000. Not only was I fortunate enough to attended the Tea Party in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, but I was honored to be asked to speak to the group of patriots that had gathered in Market Square. The following is the text of my speech:
A New American Revolution
How appropriate that we gather here tonight in front of the historic North Church, whose parishioners included General William Whipple, signer of the Declaration of Independence, and John Langdon, signer of the U.S. Constitution. This church has also seen the likes of great men such as Daniel Webster, John Paul Jones, and George Washington as they prayed for guidance while leading a young nation in search of its character.
However, the North Church connection to the Revolution that helped form this nation goes much deeper than those who have knelt in its pews. Parishioner Samuel Langdon helped to organize the first Portsmouth Tea Party in 1773, which occurred days before the more famous Boston Tea Party. Much like today, citizens from surrounding communities resolved that they would not pay the tax imposed by a far away, detached government. But unlike their counterparts in Boston, and without firing a shot, the Portsmouth Tea Party politely convinced the captain to sail the tea to Halifax.
And what of the role of the residents of the Seacoast, and beyond, throughout the struggle for independence? They captured Fort William and Mary, and 200 barrels of gunpowder, once again without firing a shot, months before the battle of Lexington and Concord. In addition, a thousand men from the area accompanied that gunpowder to the Battle of Bunker Hill. In fact, the New Hampshire contingent outnumbered the combined troops from both Massachusetts and Connecticut at this pivotal point in history.
But my favorite story of our revolutionary history is the “sudden” departure of the British Royal Governor Wentworth. When Governor Wentworth woke up one morning to find a cannon pointing at his front door, he opted to join the previously deported tea in Halifax, once again, without a single shot being fired. I don’t know about you, but I think we need to find that cannon because we could sure use it today.
But here you stand today, on this most hallowed ground of liberty, not only as a part of the Second Portsmouth Tea Party, but part of a great American awakening that is occurring all across America tonight; an awakening of the spirit of our founding fathers. An awakening that harkens back to the resolve written in the Declaration of Independence ……..
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it……….
And to those who say this is just about money, and that it’s time to be patriotic, time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, I say, you first! The time for politeness is past, the time for niceties has been exhausted. This is not about money anymore than our original revolution was about money. In the words of Ronald Regan:
Our founding fathers understood…… “A government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they know when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.”
What we are witnessing today is the resistance to the third great wave of government expansion. But this new wave, unlike the New Deal and the Great Society, will hit us like a tsunami, and many fear it may drown the entrepreneurial spirit of this country. There was a time when we believed in equalizing opportunity. But this new wave of economic tyranny will replace the American way of life with the European model of equalizing results of people’s lives…in one fell swoop our country creed E. Pluribus Unum – Many Into One - will be swept away, replaced with the new order battle cry of the 10 most frightening words in the English language – “We’re from the government, and we are here to help!” I don’t know about you, but when the government says they’re here to help, hold on to your wallets, hide your kids, AND keep clinging to those “bibles and guns,” because, as Thomas Jefferson said, a government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it all away!
Contrary to how some in the media are portraying these Tea Parties, this resistance to tyrannical change is not a partisan cause. This is not a Democratic or Republican movement, nor is this a Liberal or Conservative movement. What we are witnessing today is an American movement to reclaim the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people….” from a group of far off elites dedicated to the dismantling of our Republic for a false Utopia. These engineers of this wrecking crew that would destroy the American Dream have somehow forgotten the truth that many Americans believe in…….the existence of a free market where both success and FAILURE must occur in an atmosphere of liberty!
In a little over 230 years we have been transformed from a nation shaped by patriots determined to build a new form of government, into a government which thinks it knows how to build cars! In 230 years we have gone from a country which used to refer to our leader as Mr. President, but which now refers to him as Mr. Goodwrench. In 230 years we have gone from a country where our citizens paid for our freedom with their lives, to a government which thinks it can pay other’s mortgages with your money! In 230 years we have gone from a country that fought a revolution in large part because of excessive taxation, to a country where the government thinks that paying excessive taxes is patriotic. Our founding fathers aren’t just rolling in their graves, there are calling out to each and every one of us to stop this lunacy! Our Founding Fathers are screaming ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Each and every day we wake up prepared to do our part because that is what Americans do. Each and every day we are prepared to carry the burden that comes with being a citizen of the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of this planet. We do not do this for ourselves. We do it because past generations sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears so that future generations would be better off. We do this for our children so that their lives will be better than ours. But even the strongest among us can only carry so much, and I say to you today….. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
These are the same people who lecture us on what we should do with our money, but have managed to present us with a budget that will raise our debit to 4 trillion dollars in five years, and 10 trillion dollars within ten years. And that’s if their estimates are right….. When was the last time the US government EVER came in at or under their estimates………I will tell you……NEVER! In this present crisis government is not the solution to our problems, government is the PROBLEM. We must return to the invisible hand of the free-market, and break free from the heavy hand of government, because if we wait too long the government’s grip will only grow tighter…...
I know there are people who think that words like tyranny and oppression are mere exaggerations… “just words.” Really? If this current budget is enacted, the second largest expenditure for our government in the future will be the interest on our national debt. This is the legacy we will hand our children if we do not take control of spending, and I don’t mean next year, or in five years, or in 10 years….by then it will be too late. If your child is under the age of 10 years old today, by the time he or she turns 40, their liability to the federal debt will be $154,000.00 DOLLARS, without taking into account interest and inflation….$154,000 DOLLARS.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, if we approve this budget and do nothing to correct the disastrous course we are on, the lower class income tax rate for your 40 year old child will go from 10% to 25%, the middle class income tax will move past 65%, and the upper class income tax (which includes many small businesses) will exceed 92%! Is that what they mean by fair, that all of our children will be equally enslaved to the future debt of this country, so that the politicians of today can satisfy their lust for power? This is not just about money…..NO……this is about our very LIBERTY. You see, those who control our purse strings, CONTROL OUR FREEDOM!
But the waste and out of control spending doesn’t happen solely in Washington. Our own State governments have decided that they know what is best for us, even it is against our will. In NH we thought that last year’s budget, tax and fee increases were irresponsible. This year we have seen a budget increase of 12% in a recession and record unemployment. That is not just irresponsible….I tell you it’s a betrayal of our trust!
Somehow our New Hampshire Representatives have forgotten Article 10 of the New Hampshire Constitution………OUR RIGHT TO REVOLT! However, the revolution will not be fought with bullets, but with the ballot box! I say to our elected officials in Concord, Augusta, and Boston……leave your coats on…….don’t get too comfortable…….because we don’t work for you……….you work for us!
Our Republic is not too complicated to understand, and our founding fathers left us with a map to ensure that we stay on the course to liberty; but somehow our representatives have lost their way. But that’s to be expected, if they couldn’t be bothered to read the bailout bill, why would we ever expect them to read The Constitution. It’s not like they aren’t reminded everyday what this country stands for….one only need look at the very currency they seem so willing to spend like kids in a candy store. Stamped on each of our coins are the words that speak to our greatness. Some would call this the American Trinity:
In God We Trust – a reminder of a greater power than that of individual man. It is a reminder, that even though we are the most powerful nation, we have never been, nor will we ever be an arrogant people.
E. Pluribus Unum – Many Into One – said another way “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.” It is a reminder that our greatest strength does not come from our differences, but from our shared pedigree that we are all Americans. You could move anywhere else in the world and never be a citizen of that country. But you can come from anywhere in the world to this country, and become an American….embraced by all……Many Into One.
And lastly…..
Liberty – A word that some in America take for granted, but has served as a beacon of hope for oppressed people everywhere. Liberty is does not mean undisciplined freedom, but is a birthright that has been won with the blood and lives of past generations….and today by our brave military serving in Iraqi and Afghanistan. Because we are always just one generation away from losing Liberty, we must fight to preserve it.
The Constitution and the American Trinity are our true weapons against totalitarianism. Each of our Representatives should be required to carry a copy of the Constitution in a pocket over their heart to remind them of the ultimate sacrifice many gave to protect that “mere document.” Each of our Representatives should carry a quarter in their pocket to remind them that each coin spent was earned with the lives of our sons and daughters. This is not merely about money… is about our identity as the last best hope for mankind on Earth!
Do you want a government that defines patriotism by how much you pay in taxes?
Do you want a government that demands you pay more in taxes, but can’t seem to pay their own taxes?
Do you want a government that thinks it can spend its way into prosperity?
Do you want a government that punishes success and rewards irresponsibility?
They can try to push us around. They can threaten us with the weight of an oppressive tax burden, born from out-of-control spending. But as I look upon my fellow countrymen that have gathered here today, I have but one simple reply. In the words of John Paul Jones….”We Have Not Yet Begun To FIGHT!” We will not let the government bankrupt our country; we will not allow future generations to become enslaved by their reckless spending and the burden of a tax code that punishes success. Today a united America is shouting out to you….Enough is ENOUGH!
If William Whipple, John Langdon, and George Washington were alive today they would have a heavy heart as they sit in the pews just through those doors pondering how the politicians of today are working so hard to destroy everything they fought for. But I know that their spirit would be lifted and that pride would swell up in them if they were to walk out of this church today to find this gathering of patriots. They would say to you that you are the new patriots of a new revolution, a bloodless revolution, but a revolution nonetheless. A new American Revolution to reclaim the very soul of a Nation. A revolution rooted in the very simple belief that “We the People…” are the government. Today is the first day to reclaim the greatness that is America, a greatness that can be found in your hearts and your souls, and not in the dark abyss that has become Washington, DC or Concord, NH.
Have your facts straight – do your research and read both your state and federal Constitutions
Call, email, or write your elected officials
Educate your family and friends
Stay on target and focused – don’t lose control
Join a group of like-minded people
Follow the bills in Congress and your state government and be proactive
RUN FOR OFFICE – or support those who share your values and are stepping up to the plate
Speak up! Communicate your values and opinions , including constructive criticism to your legislators – offer solutions.
Educate yourself – what does history teach us about what’s happening today?
Provides solutions and ideas on how we can reduce our taxes
That is how we keep this new American Revolution alive, that is how we reclaim our country!
Thank you very much.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April 8, 2009: Tea Parties and Goats
The second half of the show we will be joined by Lori, from Jenness Farm, in Nottingham, NH, to talk about life as a small business owner and entrepreneur. Lori will also talk about the farms Spring Open House, which will be held on April 18 and 19.
We will air a “best of…” Right Here, Right Now, on April 15 (see you in Market Square for the Tea Party), and will be back on April 22, with US Representative McCotter, R-Michigan, to talk bailouts and budgets
Monday, March 30, 2009
April 1, 2009: Grassroots Conservatism
Enough is enough!
That is what many Americans are saying across our great nation in reaction to what they feel are oppressive and counter-constitutional policies. Bailouts, radical social shifts away from traditional values, and laisse-faire spending that will bankrupt both state and national coffers…..but all is not lost. These radical attempts at governing have had a pleasant reaction‑the sleeping tiger of conservatism has been awaken.
We need only look in our own backyard to find leaders of a new conservative revolution. Granite Grok, Cornerstone Policy, The Republican Project, to name just a few, are leading the charge. Closer to home, let us not forget local businessman Jack Kimball (recent Fox and Friends guest) of Granite State Patriots, and members of Portsmouth Republicans.
Join host Jeff Chidester and co-host Darryl Mundo as they discuss the tea parties, the NH Advantage, stimulus and omnimus spending with Jack Kimball of Granite State Patriots and members of Portsmouth Republicans.
We will also recognize our Conservative of the Week and let you know about upcoming conservative events.
You can hear Right Here, Right Now on Wednesdays at 6:00pm on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM on your radio dial and streaming worldwide. The show is also available for download within 24 hours after broadcast.
Note: Want to be a guest? Provide a "We the People" audio segment? Just have something to say? E-mail us at
This is the video "Mr. Jefferson (set to the tune of Mrs. Robinson)" that played at the bottom of the hour of the April 1, 2009 show.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March 18, 2009: A Discussion With New Hampshire Right To Life
This week on Right Here, Right Now, representatives from New Hampshire Right To Life (NHRTL) will join us as we talk about why New Hampshire Right To Life exist and discuss their overall mission.
What is NH Right to Life and what role does it play? Is abortion really a single issue and should prolife people vote for pro-choice candidates? Is legal abortion really safe? For legal protection to the unborn to happen, the culture has to change. Are there things that pro-life people can do in the meanwhile to help usher in a culture of life? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring.
Join host Jeff Chidester and his guest Kurt Wuelper and Mary Menendez on March 18, 2009.
Also, we will recognize our Conservative of the Week, and listen to another “We the People” presentation.Sunday, March 8, 2009
March 11, 2009: Education in New Hampshire
There has been a lot of talk about the state of our financial markets and the potential overhauling our healthcare system, but what about the state of our education system? Are the educational needs of our children getting lost to other priorities?
How does the No Child Left Behind act work, and what is good about the act and bad about the act? Are the NH standards comparable to other state standards? How do they differ? What have other states done to improve their standards? What about National Standards?
What is Constructivism, and why is it in our classrooms? What should you know about NECAP testing? Where does Federal control in the classroom end, and Local control begin, and has the line been blurred?
Join host Jeff Chidester and educational advocates Ann-Marie Banfield and Jane Aitken, of Cornerstone Policy Research, as we discuss education in New Hampshire.
Also, we will recognize our Conservative of the Week, and introduce the new co-host/producer for Right Here, Right Now, Darryl Mundo.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Right Here, Right Now Is Moving!
In order to accommodate a variety of circumstances, Right Here, Right Now is moving from Fridays at 9:00AM, to Wednesdays at 6:00PM.
Right Here, Right Now will air its last Friday edition on March 6, 2009. Our first Wednesday edition will heard on March 11, 2009. we hope you will join us on our new day and time.
Right Here, Right Now can be heard exclusively on WSCA – 106.1 FM, and streaming on the web at WSCA FM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February 27, 2009: Nadya Suleman, the California mother who recently had octuplets
This week, Right Here , Right Now will feature a "We the People" segment on education. We will also acknowledge our Conservative Hero of the Week. So join Right Here, Right Now on February 27, your oasis for Conservative Conservation.
Right Here, Right Now can be heard every Friday on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM on your radio dial and streaming worldwide. The show is also available for download immediately after broadcast.
Note: Want to be a guest, provide a "We the People" audio segment, or just have something to say? E-mail us at
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February 20, 2009: RNC Update/Redefining Marriage
This week on Right Here, Right Now, Phyllis Woods, from the RNC National Committee of New Hampshire will join us during the first half of the show to discuss the election of National GOP Chairman Michael Steele and NH State Chairman John Sununu.
During the second half of the show we will address the issue of gay and traditional marriage in New Hampshire and the current legislative actions to redefine marriage. We will be joined by family and marriage advocate Kevin Smith, Executive Director of Cornerstone Policy Research , and Right Here, Right Now fan favorite Fenton Groen (tentative).
Thursday, February 12, 2009
February 13, 2009: Where Has The Voice Of Liberty Gone?
You can tune into Right Here, Right Now every Friday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 AM on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM. Right Here, Right Now can also be heard streaming on the web (WSCA - FM: Listen Live ), and is available for download immediately after the show (WSCA - FM: Audio Archives of RHRN ).
I would like to thank Pastor Lear for his time, and Pastor Lear will make another appearance in the near future. We received great feedback for our "We the People" segment, the reading of the Gettysburg Address. The audio is available for download from the "We the People" area.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
February 6, 2009: Cyber Crime Fighters and Keep Sound Minds
During the second half of the show, Danielle and Tim Lambert, will be in-studio to talk about Keep Sound Minds (, an community outreach program created in an effort to help promote mental health awareness.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Announcement - New Segment - We the People
A commentary is nothing more than a monologue on a selected subject. The subject would be determined by the guest.
Guest commentators would record either an original piece, or a piece they recently had published. The guest commentator would record their piece, and it would become an audio commentary (audio editorial) to air on Right Here, Right Now. The neat thing about recording an editorial is that the author has a chance to speak with the passion that is missing from the written word. The audio editorials would allow RHRN build an audio library based on topic and author, store it on the web, thereby expanding our sphere of influence.
There are a few ground rules:
The commentary must be conservative themed. It can be on any topic, but must hold true to conservative principals. Religion, the Constitution, Taxes, International/National/State/Local policies, Abortion, Education, Energy, Counter a Liberal Position with facts… name it.
The commentary must be factually based, and must be devoid of delusional rantings (we will leave that to the Liberals!).
The staff of RHRN will have the final say as to whether the commentary will air.
If you are interested, or would like more information, email me, Jeff Chidester, at, and we can set-up a time to talk. Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone you feel might be interested in participating.
Friday, January 30, 2009
January 30, 2009 Show: Life in Washington, DC
January 30, 2009: Originally we going to talk about the rise of third-party Conservatism here in New Hampshire and across the United States. Should Conservatives align themselves with other Conservative political parties? An what would that mean for the GOP (or for that matter Blue Dog Democrats)? Guest: Executive Director Jason Hale, the American Conservative Party in NH.
Due to matters beyond Jason’s control, we had to postpone his visit. We will announce a reschedule in the near future.
The January 30 show did continue, where we focused on three recent events:
1. T The Stimulus package. During this segment we pointed out the “pork” contained in the package, and the bi-partisan support against the bill. During this segment we played clips from Republican Congressmen Pence and King, who spoke in opposition of the bill. Note: Both NH Congressmen, Hodes and Porter, voted for the bill.
2. L Lobbyist and Obama. President Obama pledged to have the most ethical administration in history. While campaigning for President he criticized the use of lobbyist in past administrations, and pledged change. During his first week in office President Obama signed an executive order outlining strict rules pertaining to the hiring of lobbyist. Less than 48 hours later, he proceeded to break his own rule. During this segment we played a speech made by then Presidential candidate Obama (June 2008) as he chastised Senator McCain for his relationship with lobbyist. We also played President Obama’s press conference announcing his lobbyist policies.
3 T. The IRS and Tax Problems. We talked about the double standard regarding the failure to pay taxes. We pointed out how Rep. Rangel and Treasury Secretary Geithner have been treated different than you or I would have been had we failed to pay our taxes.
R The show concluded with our very first "We the People" segment. Thanks to Ann-Marie Banfield, from Cornerstone Policy Institute (a link to the audio is available on the right-hand side of this page).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 23, 2009: Child Custody and Family Law
Join host Jeff Chidester and guests State Representaive David Bickford and Raquel Forrest (National Congress for Father's and Children - NH Chapter) on January 23, at 9:00am, on 106.1 FM, WSCA Portsmouth Radio for Right Here, Right Now. Check out the Right Here, Right Now website for upcoming announcements and shows.
I would like to thank both Rachel and David for their time. You can learn more about the efforts of the National Congress for Fathers and Children - NH Chapter by visiting the web page:
David is currently working on the following House BIlls (HB) related to family law: HB79, HB139, HB173, and HB209. Information related to these bills can be found at More information about HB136 (Withdrawing from a Schhol District) can also be located at
Show Audio - Right Here, Right Now: January 23, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 16, 2009 Show: Right to Life Discussion
“If a baby is not safe in his or her mother’s womb … then no one is safe anywhere” – Pastor Garrett Lear
When our founding fathers put forth the words “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, they understood that all of our freedoms could be lost if we did not defend life.
Please tune in this Friday, January 16, to Right Here, Right Now (RHRN) as our panel of guests participates in a compassionate discussion about the right to life.
The panel will include NH Rep. Daniel Itse, Attorney John Anthony Simmons of Clear Victory, Ann-Marie Banfiled of Cornerstone Policy Institute, and Kirk Wuelper, President of New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL).
You can tune into Right Here, Right Now every Friday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 AM on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM. Right Here, Right Now can also be heard streaming on the web (WSCA - FM: Listen Live ), and is available for download immediately after the show (WSCA - FM: Audio Archives of RHRN ).
Show Audio - Right Here, Right Now: January 16, 2009 (first hour)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
January 9, 2009 Show: Coalition for a Fair Tax Assessment
What would you do if your property tax assessment went up by 105%? Worse yet, imagine if you never received any advance warning of the increase. Envision opening your property tax bill to find you could no longer afford to live in your home. That is exactly what is happening to the citizens in Hampton, NH, as well as across this nation.
Join me Friday, January 9, 2009, from 9am to 10am, for Right Here, Right Now, as we talk with representatives from the Coalition for a Fair Assessment regarding their efforts to try to understand how the Town of Hampton came to this unprecedented increase; an increase that will see many people leaving homes they have owned for decades.
Right Here, Right Now, is heard exclusively on Portsmouth Community Radio, WCSA -106.1 FM, as well as streaming on the web (WSCA: Listen Live).
Follow-up:I would like to thank John and Linda Gebhart for their appearance. I heard from people in Barrington, NH and Porstmouth,NH concerned about the assessment process in their towns as well.
Feel free to visit the Coalition for a Fair Assessment web page for more information and up to date details, @
You can listen to the podcast of the January 9, show by clicking on the following link:
RHRN: Coalition for a Fair Assessment
Thursday, January 1, 2009
January 2, 2009: The Republican Project
Join us at Right Here, Right Now, Friday, December 12, at 9am, and our guest Dean Scontras, on WSCA -106.1FM, Portsmouth Community Radio.
Show Audio - Right Here, Right Now: January 2, 2009