“Educate and inform the whole of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson
I am pleased to announce the launch of a new locally produced Conservative themed radio show, which will be broadcasted on a weekly basis starting December 2008.
The show, Right Here – Right Now (RHRN), will air every Friday morning, from 9am – 10am, on Portsmouth Community Radio, WSCA – 106.1. The show will broadcast live and streaming on the Internet, and has the potential of serving as a gathering place for like-minded Conservatives, both near and far. The show will be hosted by local Conservative pundit Jeff Chidester, returning to the Seacoast airways after a long absence. RHRN hopes to provide a Conservative voice of reason on issues that affect our everyday lives.
RHRN will focus on local, state, national and international topics from the “right side” of the issue. The show will feature in-studio guest, on-air interviews, “man on the street” audio surveys, listener call-in’s, as well as other interactions that will not only serve to enlighten, but to entertain the listeners.
RHRN will serve as the local foundation to help build a stronger Conservative movement. With that in mind, RHRN will need the input and assistance from people who feel that it is important that New Hampshire Conservatives be heard:
Become part of the show: We are currently looking to fill the following positions. As with the on-air talent, all work is voluntary (liberal translation: free). Positions needed:
Producer: The producer will help coordinate show activities for RHRN (arrange guest, collect topics, and conduct audio surveys). It will require at least a 3 hour commitment weekly. The ideal candidate: College student or recent graduate, with a major in journalism, communications, or political science preferred. Must be a Conservative minded individual. The producers position will be an “on-air” position, meaning the producer is expected to interact with the host and guest, and at times fill in for the host.
Producers Intern(s): The producer intern(s) will work directly with the both the host and the producer, but will work under the direct supervision of the producer. The ideal candidate: College student or high school student. Must be a Conservative minded individual.
NOTE: Both the Producer and Intern position may qualify for outreach/intern programs offered by colleges and high schools that can be counted towards school credit. RHRN would prefer such a candidate(s), and would be willing to comply with the guidelines of the intern/outreach program.
Both the Producer and the Intern(s) will be obligated to complete the training requirements of WSCA as part of their positions.
Underwriting: WSCA is a “Community Radio Station,” which means that it does not run any commercials. Shows are supported by local businesses and organizations (known as underwriters). The underwriters will be acknowledged throughout the show in the form of promotional write-ups that are read on-air. Underwriters can “attach” themselves to a particular show, such as Right Here – Right Now, that best represents their values and business philosophies.
Be A Guest: In order for RHRN to be successful, articulate and knowledgeable Conservative guest will be needed:
Subject Experts: Don’t think you’re an expert, think again. Conservatism is a way of live, and each of us has talents that incorporate our Conservative views. Type of experts needed:
Constitutional Expert: Educators, lawyers, and legislators with a Conservative approach to Constitutional matters (US and NH Constitution)
Conservative Principals/History: Educators or Conservatives that are well versed in Conservative Principals and History.
Pro-life: Medical professionals (nurses, doctors), educators, religious leaders, and organizations that promote life.
Legislative Experts: Individuals that can speak to the legislative process, both on a State and National level.
Serve as a “round-table” guest: One of the features of RHRN will be to conduct a monthly themed show that will just focus on New Hampshire issues. The round-table guest could be city councilors, school board members, county officials, state legislators, or organizational leaders willing to come-together monthly.
Financial Experts: Free-market experts that support Conservative principals as they apply to our private property liberties.
Education: Teachers, administrators, school board members or organizations seeking to build a stronger educational system through Conservative principals. Homeschooling, vouchers, choice of schools, teacher accountability are all topics that must be considered in order for our schools to be successful.
Social issues: Pro-family legislation, support for traditional marriage, drug and alcohol enforcement, as well as other societal activities that affect our communities.
Healthcare: Experts who understand the devastating affects of government controlled healthcare, and can speak to Conservative solutions.
Anything else: Any Conservative issues you feel might be interesting or in need of attention.
Membership: Join or donated to WSCA as an inexpensive form of support. Membership and donations can be pledged with the expressed support of a particular show, such as Right Here – Right Now.
Listen: Tune in to support the show. The show will broadcast live on the air and through the Internet. The show will also be podcasted, so that listeners can download shows to listen at their convenience.
Spread the word: Please help to spread the word about Right Here – Right Now . Forward this e-mail to your friends and families. If you are part of an organization that maintains a mailing list, please by all means send this announcement to your members (this would be extremely helpful and appreciated).
Please join with me to serve as advocates for Conservative principals. Together we can provide a voice that speaks to the excellence that is America, the strength of a united people determine to preserve liberty, not only for this generation, but also for future generations.
For further information, questions, or a willingness to participate, please feel free to contact me at:
Jeff Chidester
Thank-you in advance for your support, and God Bless.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” – Ronald Reagan
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