"Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: 'We the people.' 'We the people' tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us. 'We the people' are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which 'We the people' tell the government what it is allowed to do. 'We the people' are free."

Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 27, 2009: Nadya Suleman, the California mother who recently had octuplets

This week on Right Here, Right Now, Attorney John Anthony Simmons, as we have a discussion regarding Nadya Suleman, the California mother who recently had octuplets, bringing her total number of children to 14.

This week, Right Here , Right Now will feature a "We the People" segment on education. We will also acknowledge our Conservative Hero of the Week. So join Right Here, Right Now on February 27, your oasis for Conservative Conservation.

Right Here, Right Now can be heard every Friday on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM on your radio dial and streaming worldwide. The show is also available for download immediately after broadcast.

Note: Want to be a guest, provide a "We the People" audio segment, or just have something to say? E-mail us at conservativeradio@gmail.com.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 20, 2009: RNC Update/Redefining Marriage

This week on Right Here, Right Now, Phyllis Woods, from the RNC National Committee of New Hampshire will join us during the first half of the show to discuss the election of National GOP Chairman Michael Steele and NH State Chairman John Sununu.

During the second half of the show we will address the issue of gay and traditional marriage in New Hampshire and the current legislative actions to redefine marriage. We will be joined by family and marriage advocate Kevin Smith, Executive Director of Cornerstone Policy Research , and Right Here, Right Now fan favorite Fenton Groen (tentative).

This week, Right Here , Right Now will feature a "We the People" segment on education. We will also acknowledge our Conservative Hero of the Week.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 13, 2009: Where Has The Voice Of Liberty Gone?

Where has the voice of liberty gone? Have modern Americans lost the passion of our Founding Fathers, both in word and deed? Join Right Here, Right Now on February 13, as guest Garrett Lear, the Patriot Pastor, reminds all Americans what is at the heart of America's greatness.

You can tune into Right Here, Right Now every Friday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 AM on WSCA-Portsmouth Community Radio, 106.1 FM. Right Here, Right Now can also be heard streaming on the web (WSCA - FM: Listen Live ), and is available for download immediately after the show (WSCA - FM: Audio Archives of RHRN ).


I would like to thank Pastor Lear for his time, and Pastor Lear will make another appearance in the near future. We received great feedback for our "We the People" segment, the reading of the Gettysburg Address. The audio is available for download from the "We the People" area.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 6, 2009: Cyber Crime Fighters and Keep Sound Minds

Tune into to Right Here, Right Now on February 6, at 9am, when we will talk to Portsmouth Police Detective Kristyn Bernier and author Felicia Donovan, as we discuss the release of their new book "Cyber Crime Fighters" during the first half of the show.

During the second half of the show, Danielle and Tim Lambert, will be in-studio to talk about Keep Sound Minds (www.keepsoundminds.org), an community outreach program created in an effort to help promote mental health awareness.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Announcement - New Segment - We the People

Are you a frequent contributed to the editorial section of your local newspaper? Are you a legislator who is frustrated that a pending bill is not getting the attention it deserves? Do you belong to an organization in need of ears to hear your message? Right Here, Right Now (RHRN) is initiating a new segment called "We the People." The purpose of this segment is to create an audio version of the newspaper editorial, which would air on Right Here, Right Now.

A commentary is nothing more than a monologue on a selected subject. The subject would be determined by the guest.

Guest commentators would record either an original piece, or a piece they recently had published. The guest commentator would record their piece, and it would become an audio commentary (audio editorial) to air on Right Here, Right Now. The neat thing about recording an editorial is that the author has a chance to speak with the passion that is missing from the written word. The audio editorials would allow RHRN build an audio library based on topic and author, store it on the web, thereby expanding our sphere of influence.

There are a few ground rules:

The commentary must be conservative themed. It can be on any topic, but must hold true to conservative principals. Religion, the Constitution, Taxes, International/National/State/Local policies, Abortion, Education, Energy, Counter a Liberal Position with facts…..you name it.

The commentary must be factually based, and must be devoid of delusional rantings (we will leave that to the Liberals!).

The staff of RHRN will have the final say as to whether the commentary will air.

If you are interested, or would like more information, email me, Jeff Chidester, at conservativeradio@gmail.com, and we can set-up a time to talk. Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone you feel might be interested in participating.